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The Attempt of the International Shoe Company to Erase the Lemp Legacy.

Just about anywhere you drive in South St. Louis; you can see the Lemp Brewery smokestack somewhere on the horizon. Towering almost three hundred feet, it is one of the most dominant features of the brewery complex. Many people think that the letters ISCO are painted, but they are not. The letters are actually glazed brick and were initially arranged to spell LEMP. When the International Shoe Company bought the brewery in 1922, they spent a tremendous amount of money rearranging the glazed brick to spell ISCO. If you look at the Lemp Falstaff Shields located above the doors that face Broadway, you will notice that the name Lemp has been chiseled off. Every place where the International Shoe Company maintenance workers could reach, they were instructed to remove the name Lemp. Luckily you can still see the Lemp name on the top of some of the buildings, and if you look hard enough, you can even see faint remnants of old Lemp Brewery ghost signs. No matter how hard the International Shoe Company tried to erase the Lemp legacy, the name just stuck. The brewery complex today is still known more by its brewing past, then by its shorter-lived stint has the nation's largest shoe factory.

The Lemp Granary

A Lemp Brewery "ghost sign" seen at the intersection of DeMenil Place and Cherokee Street

Another place where the Lemp name has been chisled off

"Ghost sign" for the International Shoe Company

The Lemp Brewery smoke stack, the letters are actually glazed brick

You can see above the doors facing Broadway where the name lemp was chisled off

A "ghost sign" for the W.J. Lemp Bottling Company

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We are a small group of eclectic individuals who view the investigation of the paranormal not as a scientific endeavor, but one of personal exploration.

This philosophy allows us to present a truly unique experience, and one that you will never forget.   


The St. Louis Paranormal Research Society provides the best haunted- history and ghost tours in the St. Louis area.  We even provide the latest in ghost hunting equipment on select tours, so you can conduct an actual paranormal investigation.  

If you're looking for a paranormal experience, it's only a few clicks away!


The St. Louis Paranormal Research Society has existed for over twenty years.  For our investigators, the paranormal is not just a hobby, it's their passion!

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Lemp Brewery

1820 Cherokee Street

St. Louis, Missouri 63118

(618) 340-5526

© 2017 by St. Louis Paranormal Research Society

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