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The Tradition of the Fox Theater's Ghost Light and Haunting.

Whether due to superstition or as a safety measure, many theatres have what is called a “ghost light” (the Fox Theatre has two). The ghost light is usually turned on when the theatre is dark or empty. It’s unclear how the tradition of a ghost light began, but some believe that the light’s purpose is to appease the theatre’s resident ghosts so that they do not interfere with the productions. Also, the ghost light is a safety measure to help workers navigate the theater that otherwise would be completely dark. There are rumors that the Fox Theater is haunted by two ghosts. One is a woman dressed in a white blouse, and the other is a gentleman wearing a suit with slick black hair and a distinctive mustache. Both have been seen strolling through the theatre late at night.

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Our group is self-funded, with the mandate to not only serve the paranormal community, but also the communities in which we live. Through our various endeavors, we not only raise money to support our own group, but we also help raise money to support private businesses, historical societies, and non-for-profit charities.


We are a small group of eclectic individuals who view the investigation of the paranormal not as a scientific endeavor, but one of personal exploration.

This philosophy allows us to present a truly unique experience, and one that you will never forget.   


The St. Louis Paranormal Research Society provides the best haunted- history and ghost tours in the St. Louis area.  We even provide the latest in ghost hunting equipment on select tours, so you can conduct an actual paranormal investigation.  

If you're looking for a paranormal experience, it's only a few clicks away!


The St. Louis Paranormal Research Society has existed for over twenty years.  For our investigators, the paranormal is not just a hobby, it's their passion!

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Lemp Brewery

1820 Cherokee Street

St. Louis, Missouri 63118

(618) 340-5526

© 2017 by St. Louis Paranormal Research Society

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