Haunted Onondaga Cave Tour
Next Tour: September 9th
The St. Louis Paranormal Research Society, along with the Onondaga Friends Association will be presenting a paranormal investigation of the Onondaga Cave. This is the largest and most unique haunted venue in the United States
The cave was discovered in 1886, and its ownership was in continued dispute until the 1970’s. These disputes fueled an unrivaled hatred between the participants. In 1886 Artressia Davis, better known as Aunt Trissy was swindled by John Eaton and Christopher Davis and after a questionable land transaction cost her ownership of the cave. Aunt Trissy fought countless legal battles until she died in 1943 at the age of 95. It was said she was alive would walk through the cave, claiming she was the rightful owner and would chase out anyone visiting the cave.
After ownership of the cave changed hands several times, a Hatfield and McCoy style dispute broke out Dr. Mook and Bob Bradford, when it was discovered that one half of the cave system ran under Dr. Mook’s property. A barbed wire fence was erected on the supposed property line in the cave and Bradford was told to stop trespassing. Each formed their own cave tour business and fought for years. It is said gun battles were fought between the two inside the cave. The feud between the two went so far that the guests of the competing tour companies were encouraged to throw rocks and mud at each other when they met in the middle of the cave.
In 1915, while on a tour, a young woman drowned when her boat capsized. Weighted down by her clothing and in the complete darkness, it is believed she succumbed to the frigid waters of the cave.
Only 15 people will be allowed on this investigation of this massive underground cave system. The investigation will run from 7PM to 10PM and the cost will be $65 per/person. The event caters to novice and expert ghost hunters. You can bring your own ghost hunting equipment or borrow ours.
Tour Meets At:
Onondaga Cave Visitors Center
7556 Hwy H
Leasburg, MO 65535
(573) 245-6576