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Greene County Almshouse

   In the 1800’s almost every county in Illinois had what was called an Almshouse, or a poor farm.  Over time the almshouses in Illinois became basically the dumping grounds for the unwanted.  If you were indigent, mentally ill, old, physically or mentally handicapped, and had no one to care for you, a county almshouse is where you would most likely spend the rest of your life.  Conditions in the almshouses were miserable at best.  There was hardly any sanitation or access to medical care in many rural almshouses.  If you unfortunately suffered from a mental defect or handicap, you would most likely spend the rest of your life either chained to your bed or to the wall.  Almshouses were dirty and often the breeding grounds for disease.  Many almshouses were run by corrupt officials, whose greed often caused many to starve as money marked for their care was siphoned away into their pockets.  It wasn’t until the opening of the Bartonville Asylum near Peoria, Illinois, that the mentally ill and handicapped were taken out of the almshouses and placed into what was supposed to be a suitable institution.  Unfortunately Bartonville suffered from the same kinds of corruption that plagued the county almshouses.    In the 1900’s the Illinois counties were more than happy to shed what they seen as an unnecessary burden, and many of the almshouses and poor farms were auctioned off at bargain prices to farmers.  

    The Carrollton Almshouse still stands and is stilled owned by the county.  The structure is condemned and very dangerous.  Rumored to be very haunted, many trespassers to the site have claimed to have had a paranormal experience.  There are reports of seeing lights passing by the windows, and hearing people talking and screaming when no one else is in the house.   There is also a potter’s field on the grounds of the Carrolton Almshouse, but is lost.  The county for years has leased to the grounds to farmers and they have long since plowed over the potter’s field. 

 There have been several attempts to save the crumbling Carrollton Almshouse, but all attempts have failed. 


Our group is self-funded, with the mandate to not only serve the paranormal community, but also the communities in which we live. Through our various endeavors, we not only raise money to support our own group, but we also help raise money to support private businesses, historical societies, and non-for-profit charities.


We are a small group of eclectic individuals who view the investigation of the paranormal not as a scientific endeavor, but one of personal exploration.

This philosophy allows us to present a truly unique experience, and one that you will never forget.   


The St. Louis Paranormal Research Society provides the best haunted- history and ghost tours in the St. Louis area.  We even provide the latest in ghost hunting equipment on select tours, so you can conduct an actual paranormal investigation.  

If you're looking for a paranormal experience, it's only a few clicks away!


The St. Louis Paranormal Research Society has existed for over twenty years.  For our investigators, the paranormal is not just a hobby, it's their passion!

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  • Ghost Tours

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  • Psychic Readings

  • Paranormal Investigations

  • Ghost Hunting Equipment

  • Haunted and Historical Research

  • Ghost Hunting

  • Electronic Voice Phenomena- EVP's

  • Spirit Photography

Lemp Brewery

1820 Cherokee Street

St. Louis, Missouri 63118

(618) 340-5526

© 2017 by St. Louis Paranormal Research Society

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