Bugs or Ghost Orbs?
But investigating outdoors does pose a whole new set of challenges. With the increase in temperatures comes an increase in bugs.Â

Always Watch What You Say!
Always Watch What You Say! By: Dr. Mark Farley During one of my Lemp Mansion Tours, a guest kept shouting, “please take some of my...

Always Say "Good-Bye!"
Whenever I post anything on Facebook about using a Ouija Board, I can always count on a few followers posting negative comments telling...

What I Carry During a Paranormal Investigation
Beginning ghost hunters often ask me, "What do I need to carry with me during an investigation?

A Cheap and Effective Alternative to K-2 Meters
K-2 Meters are expensive and may not fit into every ghost hunter's budget. A simple and effective way to determine if there is an EMF...

Sometimes Smudging Isn't Enough
I get this question a lot from clients: "I had my house smudged, and the spirit came back. What do I do now?" Well, the problem is that...

Dogs Make the Best Investigation Partners
The best investigation partner I ever had was my dog, Cody. A twenty-four pound Boston Terrier that was invaluable when it came to verifying

Battery Drain and Paranormal Phenomena
It is common knowledge among paranormal investigators that ghosts drain batteries. In reality, it's more likely that I placed a weak...

Is There Evidence of a Satanic Cult at the Seven Gates of Hell and Acid Bridge?
I was reading an article in the Huffington Post about unsolved murders in Illinois. One of the murders mentioned was of a Jane Doe found...