What to do if you encounter a Ghost
Being an experienced paranormal investigator, this is what I would like to see a layman do when encountering something paranormal

Bugs or Ghost Orbs?
But investigating outdoors does pose a whole new set of challenges. With the increase in temperatures comes an increase in bugs.Â

Ghosts and Bed Sheets: Ghost Hunting Tip No.5
By Dr. Mark Farley Do you know how ghosts came to be represented by wearing bed sheets? The white sheet represents the burial shroud...

Why Is It So Hard to Confirm a Ghost's Identity? Ghost Hunting Tip No.3
By Dr. Mark Farley A lot of ghost hunters think that the county courthouse is the best spot for information. In our modern, more...

Always Watch What You Say!
Always Watch What You Say! By: Dr. Mark Farley During one of my Lemp Mansion Tours, a guest kept shouting, “please take some of my...

What Makes a House Haunted?
What Makes a House Haunted? By: Dr. Mark Farley What makes a house haunted? A question that is usually asked at some point during every...

Is Evidence Contamination a Bad Thing?
By: Dr. Mark Farley Contamination during a paranormal investigation can come in many forms. Just perform an investigation with any...

Always Say "Good-Bye!"
Whenever I post anything on Facebook about using a Ouija Board, I can always count on a few followers posting negative comments telling...

Ouija Boards, Evil Spirits, and Fear
There isn't a single item in the paranormal community more controversial than an Ouija Board.

A Cheap and Effective Alternative to K-2 Meters
K-2 Meters are expensive and may not fit into every ghost hunter's budget. A simple and effective way to determine if there is an EMF...